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Η Underground Youth OrchestraThe Underground Youth Orchestra, wanting to give a chance to talented young musicians, will hold auditions for new members.

If you are up to 26 years old and play one of the following instruments of a symphony orchestra, strings (violin-viola-cello-cello-bass), woodwinds (oboe-clarinet), brass (horn-trombone-tuba), percussion, you can participate in the audition.

The audition will take place to a piece of your choice and on orchestral repertoire, which you will find on the page Auditions Repertoire. Candidates living outside Athens can send video footage to the email: uyo@uyo.gr

The audition will take place on 22 September 2024 at the Athens Concert Hall in rehearsal room 12..


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    Details of a new member



    The orchestra rehearses every Saturday and Sunday afternoon at the Athens Concert Hall.
    The actions of the Underground Youth Orchestra are under the auspices and support of the Ministry of Culture.
    For detailed information please contact 210 6201246 (10.00-15.00) - 6932228734, or send us an email: uyo@uyo.gr

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