• UYO concert

The Underground Youth Orchestra

  • Auditions for new members-Underground Kids Orchestra 29 September

    Ακροάσεις νέων μελών Underground Kids Orchestra! Ο λόγος για την Underground Kids Orchestra, μία παιδική ορχήστρα με μουσικούς παιδιά έως 14 ετών. Σκοπό της αποτελεί αφενός μεν η επαφή με την ορχηστρική μουσική παιδιών [...]

  • Ακροάσεις νεων μελων UYO

    Auditions for new UYO members 2024

    ΑΚΡΟΑΣΕΙΣ ΝΕΩΝ ΜΕΛΩΝ UYO 2024-2025     Η Underground Youth Orchestra θέλοντας να δώσει ευκαιρία συμμετοχής σε νέους ταλαντούχους μουσικούς, θα πραγματοποιήσει ακροάσεις για νέα μέλη. Αν είστε μέχρι 26 ετών και παίζετε κάποιο [...]

 A few words about the Underground Youth Orchestra 


I’m very happy that you, Greek people, support young musicians on the beginning of their musical life, where music is everything for them.

It gives them force, it gives them inspiration and it tells them many many stories. And its very important for these young people. You see with what impetus, with what passion they play, right? And so, I am very happy that you support this orchestra and keep caring for them. Thank you!

Christoph Eschenbach
Concerts Greece/Abroad
young musicians have participated in the orchestra
UYO members study abroad
International awards for members of the orchestra

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