Regulations for the Operation & Participation of Members of the Orchestra

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    The aim of the orchestra is to introduce its members to the symphonic repertoire and different genres of quality music, expanding their musical knowledge, as well as their technical and expressive abilities, while developing the spirit of teamwork. The members of the orchestra, through the scholarship offered by the Underground Youth Orchestra and their participation in artistic events in Greece and abroad, as well as in educational programs, prepare for their professional careers.

    The scholarship provided to UYO members UYO includes:

    • Full exemption from the cost of ongoing annual training.
    • Full exemption of the cost of participation in masterclasses with internationally renowned music teachers, conductors and soloists invited by the UYO in Greece.
    • Coverage of transportation and accommodation costs for both rehearsals and UYO concerts for orchestra members living outside Athens.
    • Full or most of the cost of travel in Greece and abroad is covered.
    • Discounts from (10% to 25%)** on CDs, books etc., production of Ekfrassis Productions
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    Greek citizens or foreign citizens legally residing in Greece, regardless of gender, up to 25 years old, have the right to participate in the Orchestra, after a hearing. Evaluators of the candidate members, in addition to its conductor, are also the music teachers who assist in the training of the members of the orchestra. The top of each body can also participate in the committee. In special cases, the age limits may differ and are determined by a decision of the evaluation committee.

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    Joining the Orchestra is only possible after regular or extraordinary auditions. The time and place of the hearings, as well as their subject matter are decided by the evaluation committee and announced in a timely manner. In order to become a member of the Orchestra, anyone, either himself or, in the case of minors (under 18 years of age), his Parent or Guardian, must accept the Rules and the member remains in the Orchestra for a probationary period of 4-8 weeks. Extension of the probationary period can be decided only by the conductor and the responsible teachers.

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    Attendance and participation in rehearsals and art events is mandatory for UYO members. Rehearsals are held regularly every Friday at the Concert Hall (Rehearsal Room 12). Extraordinary rehearsals can be done according to the requirements of the program. The program of the rehearsals, the education and the artistic activity of the Orchestra are determined by the exclusive responsibility of its conductor and the responsible teachers. Absences are the biggest obstacle to the members’ progress and it must be understood that absences affect the performance and the coordination of the orchestra. If a member is absent from a test, he / she is not released from the obligation to study and prepare the musical score for the next test. In case of absence of a member of UYO for a serious reason, the member must inform the conductor or teachers in the most appropriate way of communication and request his / her dismissal, as soon as he / she becomes aware of his / her inability to attend and in any case before the scheduled rehearsal or concert. In any case, the non-attendance of a member in more than three (3) consecutive rehearsals, may have led to his non-participation in the scheduled concert or to the loss of membership. In case of an important or serious reason, the sole responsibility for the deviation of the above is the teacher and the responsible teachers.

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    The programming of the orchestra is announced at the beginning of the artistic season. Each member has the right to be absent from a project during the year, except for reasons of force majeure. For proper scheduling, the inability to participate must be declared no later than two months before the date of the project.

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    The members of the Orchestra must arrive at the rehearsal area 15 minutes before the rehearsal begins and during it they must pay full attention to the instructions, persuasions and remarks of the conductor and, as the case may be, the responsible teacher. The tests will last about three hours and are determined by the conductor as needed. It is possible to perform partial tests with families of instruments but also with part of all the musicians. The opening hours of the Orchestra are determined by its conductor at the beginning of each period, taking into account the needs of the members during the examination periods of primary and secondary education. The rehearsal is allowed by people outside the orchestra only with the permission of the Maestro. At the beginning of the rehearsal, it is the obligation of the members of the Orchestra to have their instruments maintained, in good condition and strung.

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    The positions of the members in the analogies and the various instrument families (First, Second Violins, etc.) are determined by the Maestro and may change according to the needs of better performance of specific works. Members must maintain cleanliness and order as well as non-causing damage to furniture, utensils, instruments and facilities of rehearsal and concert venues. It is in the exclusive competence and responsibility of the Conductor of the Orchestra the final choice each time of the members – musicians, who participate in the various artistic events, depending on their performance.

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    The selection of the participants and the order (first, second) of the wind and percussion instruments when there are many members is made by the conductor and the responsible teachers and according to the availability of the members.

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    Each member of the Orchestra may occupy one of the following positions: a) Member, b) Leader, c) Leader. The progression of a UYO member to the next highest rank is based on his/her overall presence and participation, technical training, conduct and ethics. Factors such as age or length of time in the UYO are not criteria for advancement. UYO band leaders and band directors are reviewed by the Maestro and teachers for their effectiveness in terms of class, organization and the spirit of cooperation that prevails in their groups.

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    The understanding of the regulation by the members themselves and by the Parents-Guardians of the minor students, as well as the development-explanation to their children of its provisions and the analysis of the expediency of their faithful application, decisively helps the work of the Orchestra. Parents take care of the timely and regular attendance of children in the rehearsal-performance areas and accompany their children, as long as they are minors. Parents of minor children can be informed about the progress of their children as well as about the problems and prospects of the Orchestra by the responsible teachers.

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    During educational trips in Greece and abroad the members of the Orchestra must obey the instructions of the accompanying teachers. In case the teachers consider that this is not observed, they have the right to cancel the member's participation in the educational trip and to return immediately to Athens at the member's own expense. For travel outside Greece, members must be in possession of the European Health Insurance Card.

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    Material rewards for students – Members of the Orchestra are not provided.

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    UYO through “Ekfrassis Productions” can issue a certificate of participation of its members in the annual operation of the Orchestra, with a report for each concert, so that they can be used to confirm their artistic development and training.

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    The costume of the concerts is determined by the Maestro and is mandatory for all participants

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    Travel to and from rehearsal and concert venues is the responsibility of the members. Exceptions are the events outside Athens for which special care will have been taken by “Ekfrassis Productions” for the mode of transport as well as for any charges of the members.

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    The members will be informed about anything related to the operation of the Orchestra, electronically to the group that has been created for this purpose on Facebook. Only members of the Orchestra are accepted into this group.

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    The scores provided to UYO members, in printed or electronic form, are copyright of UYO. It is forbidden to reproduce them in any way and make them available to persons or entities outside the UYO, without the permission of the Maestro.

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    Participation in the Orchestra presupposes the unconditional acceptance of all the terms of this regulation, as it is valid at any time with any amendments. Failure to comply with this regulation may result in the loss of UYO membership at any time, following a decision of its conductor and the teachers of the orchestra.

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